Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants

The field of industrial wastewater treatment requires plenty of creativity and innovation. IETOS has always been able to fulfill the clients’ requirements and earning their trust. Efficiently installing the latest wastewater systems and providing maintenance services in no time.

IETOS engineers’ study each case intensively to provide the most sustainable and cost-effective treatment method.  

We bring to this field the most experienced technical support team among water treatment companies here in Egypt and in the Middle East. No matter what your industry, IETOS will select the optimum and innovative solution for you.

IETOS has a team of experienced specialists in unique wastewater treatment processes: –

  1. Centralized Industrial Zones Wastewater Treatment.
  2. Chemicals.
  3. Oil & Soap.
  4. Textiles.
  5. Glues.
  6. Heavy Industries.
  7. Food Processing.
  8. Fertilizers.
  9. Cement.
  10. Tobacco.
  11. Pharmaceuticals.
  12. Plastic Recycling.
  13. Oil and gas.
  14. Automotive.
  15. Other industries

Case Study

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